Book Review of Kingdom Journeys by Seth Barnes


Kingdom Journeys, by Seth Barnes, explores spiritual disciplines long lost to the modern church. Everyday people live an adventure as we sojourn through life meeting new and unexpected challenges each day. This book provides the reader with a needed paradigm shift from narcissism to dependence on Jesus.

“A kingdom journey is based on Jesus’ example. It is about expanding God’s reign in the world and increasing it inside our own hearts. Jesus sent his disciples on a journey to find the kingdom. They discovered the kingdom right where God put it- inside them.”

Through the spiritual disciplines of abandonment, brokenness and surrender, and dependence Kingdom Journeys will enable the reader to correct misunderstandings in their faith and become a fully surrendered follower of Jesus. Do you practice spiritual disciplines in your life? Do you depend on God for your physical needs? Do you depend on God to lead you in kingdom work? If you answered no to any of these questions…this is the book for you!